Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 26 April 2021
Inspection Reports in Turkey and United Kingdom: A Comparative Study of Inspections
Mehmet E. Usta
The University of Harran, Turkey

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Pages: 192-212
Keywords: School Inspection, Inspection Reports, Turkey, The United Kingdom, Ofsted
This study aims to compare the school inspection reports prepared by educational inspectors in Turkey and the United Kingdom. In Turkey, educational inspection is carried out by the Educational Inspectors of the Ministry of National Education. On the other hand, educational inspection in the UK is carried out by Ofsted education inspectors. In both countries, it is compulsory to prepare an inspection report at the conclusion of an inspection, which sheds light on and evaluates the activities carried out at the school. The inspection reports are the subject of this study in terms of both form and content. The qualitative research method was used in the study and a document analysis was carried out. In this context, 10 inspection reports from both Turkey and the United Kingdom each were subjected to the inspection report review. A code was assigned to each inspection report. The reports originating from Turkey that were subjected to review were assigned the code TR, while the reports originating from the United Kingdom that were subjected to review were assigned the code UK. Titles of the inspection reports were determined and sample expressions related to each title were included in the text. As a result, although there are some similarities in the form of inspections, Ofsted reports were judged to be different, especially in terms of participation, evaluation of direct training activities, transparency and participation.
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