Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 March 2022
Learning Loss Problems of Students Based on the Teachers and Parents' Perspectives as the Tri Sentra Pendidikan Actors During Online Learning
Bagas Narendra Parahita, Ghufronudin, Dwi Astutik, Yuhastina, Riadi Syaputra Siregar
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

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Pages: 531-538
Keywords: Learning, Students, Tri Sentra Pendidikan, Online Learning
Tri Sentra Pendidikan has faced challenges during the pandemic. Teachers and parents as actors in the Tri Sentra Pendidikan or Three Centers of Education were close to the problem of learning loss during the pandemic. The limitations of learning dared to cause teachers and students to experience obstacles in the process of conveying and receiving learning knowledge. Parents could not be fully present in the learning process at home with the complexity of home activities that have changed since the pandemic situation. Qualitative research with a phenomenological approach was conducted on eight informants consisting of four teachers and four parents from various regions in Indonesia. The research results indicated that teachers and parents, and character education, were significant to note because of the link between learning loss and the development of children's character. Teachers and parents must ensure the effective use of technology for learning used by children in addition to the technological mastering skills by current students. It was because children's technological skills could be a solution to minimize learning loss if the practice or used as directed by teachers and parents who were actively paying attention and controlling. Teachers and parents, as actors in the Tri Sentra Pendidikan, must know the students' characteristics to determine the right strategy for the development of student education.
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