Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 27 September 2021
Opinions of Primary School Teachers about Mathematics Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period
Esma Kilinc, Sumeyra Akkaya, Metin Kapidere
Inonu University, Turkey

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Pages: 623-640
Keywords: Distance Education, Pandemic, Covid-19, Mathematics Teaching
This study was conducted to reveal the aspect of distance education studies on teaching of mathematics with the evaluation by class teachers during the Covid-19 Pandemic period. 24 primary school teachers from Onikisubat district of Kahramanmaras province have participated in the research. The semi-structured interview form developed in line with the expert opinions was applied to the primary school teachers separately. This study was required in order to evaluate the events experienced in the distance education process due to the coronavirus pandemic and the effects of the pandemic on the field of education in the direction of the opinions of the class teachers. Qualitative research was carried out to interpret any situation from a different perspective in the study, and a case study has been conducted to reach the depth of the situation. As a data collection tool, a semi-structured interview form was prepared with the approval of expert opinions. After the data were brought together, content analysis was carried out by giving similar descriptions and describing them in a way that the reader could comprehend. The sample of the study consisted of teachers who personally experienced the process in the nearby environment, which consists of easily accessible situation sampling in order to accelerate the study. It is thought that it will be important to work properly execution of the processes that may occur in such times by determining the causes and consequences of the situations experienced in the field of education due to reasons such as the suspension of face-to-face education and the cessation of schools after the pandemic in the world. As a result of the research, suggestions will be made for the studies that can be done about teaching mathematics in distance education.
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