Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 28 March 2022
The Implications of Indoctrination on Children's Creativity: Perception and Analysis of the Collaboration between Teachers and Parents in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia
Asef Umar Fakhruddin, Nizar Ali, Mahmud Arif
UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Indonesia

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Pages: 495-505
Keywords: Children's Creativity, Indoctrination, Practice
The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between indoctrination and children's creativity. It was conducted qualitatively using the phenomenological approach for a period of 6 months. The samples used include 26 teachers, 118 children, and 80 parents while data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation and analyzed using data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results showed that children's creativity had a relationship with indoctrination and practice displayed.
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