Engineering and Technology Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2622-9374

Published: 07 October 2019
Predicting The Time And Cost of Fireboat Construction Using Earned Value Method (EVM)
I Nengah Putra Apriyanto, Romie Oktovianus Bura, Suyono Thamrin, Siswo Hadi Sumantri, Supartono, Arica Dwi Susanto
Indonesia Defense University, Indonesian Naval Technology College

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Pages: 114-125
Keywords: Controlling, Planning, Cost Prediction, Time prediction, EVM, Schedule, Fireboat
Companies located in Surabaya which are mainly engaged in the production of commercial vessels, providing ship repair and maintenance services as well as general engineering with order-based specifications often experiencing problems of delays and cost overruns because of lack of supervision. Along with the development of the technology industry, ship production requires every shipyard to evaluate their system. Poor performance and lack of control and supervision have caused delays in the construction of new vessels. By using an Earned Value Method (EVM) calculation, it can predict the completion time and the remaining costs of fireboat construction, find deviations between plans and reality, and encourage to look for the causes. Based on the calculation analysis results of the fireboat construction, the researcher predicts the cost of remaining work as Rp. 23,616,760,065 and predicts the total cost at the end of the work of Rp. 157,383,943,827 and researchers also predicted project completion time of 381 days.
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