Gender, Entrepreneurial Education, Self-Efficacy, Internal Control Locus, and Entrepreneurial Intention Based on the Perspective of Students
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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Economics and Business

Quarterly Reviews

ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, managemet journal
open access

Published: 28 June 2023

Gender, Entrepreneurial Education, Self-Efficacy, Internal Control Locus, and Entrepreneurial Intention Based on the Perspective of Students

Nur Nur, Rosemarie Sutjiati Njotoprajitno, Bram Hadianto

Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia

asian institute research, jeb, journal of economics and business, economics journal, accunting journal, business journal, management journal

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Pages: 121-130

Keywords: Entrepreneurial Education, Gender, Intention to Start a Business, Internal Control Locus, Self-Efficacy


This study investigates and analyzes the effect of gender, entrepreneurial education, self-efficacy, and internal control locus on entrepreneurial intention. Moreover, to achieve this goal, this study uses undergraduate students in the management and accounting departments of the business faculty of Maranatha Christian University as population and samples. This study sets the criterion based on the purposive sampling method because not all students already take entrepreneurial courses. Therefore, active students taking these courses onward deserve to be the samples. Based on this circumstance, this study surveyed their perception by distributing the questionnaire and effectively got 191 complete responses. Because of hypothesis verification, this study keeps employing a structural equation based on covariance to analyze and check the data related to constructs. Finally, this study concludes gender gap exists: male students have higher intentions to start a business than females. The more educated the students with entrepreneurial concepts, the more intent to start the venture. Students with higher self-efficacy and internal locus control tend to have higher intentions to begin a business.


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