Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 26 June 2020
Impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance: A Case of U.S. Retail Firms
Naome A. Etori, David A. Alilah
College of Menominee Nation (USA), Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (Kenya)

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Pages: 941-946
Keywords: Knowledge, Knowledge Management, Competitive Advantage, Organizational Performance, Tacit Knowledge, Explicit Knowledge
This paper investigates the influence of knowledge management on organizational performance in the case of U.S. retail firms. The paper is based on secondary data analysis, which was collected through a critical review of the literature. The analysis has shown that knowledge management has a significant impact on the performance of organizations in the case of U.S. retail firms. The study found that, when the management of a firm gives importance to the effective management of knowledge, it ultimately helps to improve the performance of that firm. Knowledge management in an effective way is considered important for ensuring long-term prosperity. Knowledge has become the most effective factor for various knowledge-based embedded elements. This is also referred to as exposed tacit due to mobile employees, and therefore its dissemination and development are considered to be significant in order to achieve sustainable competitiveness.
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