Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 30 March 2020
Antenatal Care (ANC) Medical Record as an Effort to Reduce Maternal and Infant Mortality Rates
Ragita Larasati, Widodo Tresno Novianto, Hari Purwadi
Unversitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

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Pages: 140-149
Keywords: Medical Record, Antenatal Care, Maternal Mortality Rate, Infant Mortality Rate
This article aimed to analyze the making of antenatal care (ANC) medical records in midwifery service as an effort to reduce the maternal and infant mortality rates. The importance of medical records in every given midwifery care, particularly the antenatal care, has been strengthened through the legislation. Practically speaking, the health practitioners, especially midwifes are aware of the significance of medical records in midwifery service, however, there are still some problems in their implementation since many incomplete, unclear, and unsustainable medical records were found. On the other hand, people insist on fast and accurate services, thus with poor medical records’ documentation system, it results in counterproductive health services. Specifically, medical records are closely related to the effort of reducing maternal and infant mortality rates and it also works as valid written evidence to protect the midwifes if undesirable incidents may occur to the patients.
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