Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 18 April 2019
Correlation of Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) with Computed Tomography (CT) in Patients of Intra-Cranial Injuries
Muhammad Abdul Hannan, Arzisha Rafiq, Mudassir Nazir, Dr. Sajid Shaheen Malik, S. Muhammad Yousaf Farooq, Ghulam Murtaza, Hamza Jabbar, Aima Gilani
The University of Lahore, Pakistan

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Pages: 142-152
Keywords: Glasgow Coma Scale, Intra-Cranial Injuries
Objective: To determine the correlation of Glasgow coma scale with Computed Tomography (CT) in patients of intra-cranial injuries. Material and methods: This study is a cross-sectional analytical study with a sample size of 138 patients. Sampling techniques were non-probability convenient sampling. The study was performed in the Department of Radiology in Lahore General Hospital. The study was finished in 3 months after approval of synopsis. Ultrasound was performed with a convex transducer of 3.5 - 5MHz frequency. Outcome variables are Prostate volume and post-micturition residual (PMR). The data collection sheet was used to record observed data, and individual patient personal data will not be published. Sections were taken parallel to the canthomeatal. CT machine: Toshiba Scanner Aquilion 16 SLICE, model no: TSX-101A, model no: CGGT-018A, slice thickness: 5-7mm, gap b/w slices: 5mm, window width: 1600, window length: +350, kV: 120, mA: 200, pitch: 5. Result: Total 138 patients were enrolled in the study, in which 54 (39.1%) were females, and 84(69.9%) were males with a mean age of 37 years with a range of 4-85 ± 16.28 years. The present study was conducted for a period of two years in the Department of radiology with association from Department of Emergency medicine and included 138 patients with a history of intra-cranial injuries. The cases were referred from the Emergency unit after clinical and neurological systemic examination and calculating the GCS score. The score was blinded for the radiologist examining the case for avoiding bias in reporting. Conclusion: To conclude from our study, patients with low GCS score were considered as a severity risk factor in association with more intra-cranial injuries CT findings. Patients with low GCS score are affected by severe morbidity and devastating effects as observed from other studies.
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