Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 30 December 2019
Development of Life-Worldly Communication Scale for Older Persons: A Pilot Study
Yasuko Fukaya, Takanori Kitamura, Ritsuko Wakabayashi, Minato Kawaguchi
Kanto-Gakuin University (Japan), Tokai University (Japan)

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Pages: 552-566
Keywords: Pilot Study, Scale Development, Life-Worldly Communication, Reliability, Validity, Home Care, Nursing Home
Objectives: Our prior study revealed that the speech duration of older people in long-term care facilities in Japan is four minutes in one day, owing to the lack of “life-worldly communications.” This study is a pilot study for the development and validation of the Life-Worldly Communication Scale (LWCS) that can efficiently measure the life-worldly communication duration of older people. Methods: The subjects were 65 individuals, 65 years of age or older, who were chosen among people living in long-term care facilities and in home care in Japan. The items of LWCS were generated from related literature. The content validity of LWCS was examined from the content validity ratio. Construct validity of LWCS was verified by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Convergent or discriminant validity was examined from the relation between LWCS and the life-worldly communication time or depression level. Reliability was examined by inspecting internal consistency and stability. Results: The LWCS proved satisfactory in the goodness-of-fit index (GFI = .92, NFI = .91, CFI = .99, RMSEA =.03) by confirmatory factor analysis. Convergent validity of LWCS was supported by a significant correlation between LWCS and the life-worldly communication time (r = .62, P <.001). Reliability of LWCS was confirmed by internal consistency (Cronbach’s α =. 90) and stability (test-retest, r =.70, p <. 01). Conclusions: The reliability and validity of the LWCS were confirmed in the study population. However, the number of items included in each factor was insufficient. Efforts to improve LWCS are needed in the future.
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