Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 11 December 2019
From Sexting to Child Pornography
Simona Trifu, Ana Miruna Dragoi
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” (Romania), Clinical Hospital for Psychiatry “Alex. Obregia” (Romania)

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Pages: 516-523
Keywords: Child Pornography, Pollution, Sexting, the Emotional Climate of Micro-Groups, Boundary Crossing
Motivation: Psychological expertise is the test stone before the Court, when hidden motives determine behaviors and actions whose consequences result in criminal acts. Child pornography is a topical topic, such as "sex on the phone" and sexting, with frequent pathology. Hypothesis: The clients presented in this paper, accused of child pornography, are pushed to there actions by a conglomerate of socio-cultural reasons that define them. Objective: To highlight the context and personality structure of the person concerned, to demonstrate the absence of features in the spectrum of any personality disorder and to underline the propensity of young people towards the area of impulsive satisfaction in the online environment. Material and methods: structured interviews with the client, study of legal documents, appeal to specialized literature, issuing opinions on materials considered pornographic, applying deductive hypothetical reasoning to the client's life situation and situation. Results: Communication in the virtual environment facilitates rapid regression and access to the nucleus of personality, as well as to the impulsive reservoir, so that more and more young people have early access to erotic pleasures and easily transcend prohibition and barriers, in the Super-Ego line operating at reduced dynamics. Also, the socio-cultural climate stressed by the absence of boundaries made possible the relationship of the two, as well as the emotional involvement of both. Conclusions: The society imposes fine nuances and different boundaries when it comes to committing criminal acts, the personality structures of those involved, along with the dynamics of micro-groups and that of the society itself, which dictates the limits.
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