Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 15 October 2020
International Medical Graduate (IMG) Mentoring When it Matters: Basic Sciences to Clinical Rotations and What to Know
Nina Madjer, Matilde A. Sarmiento Ed.D., Edith Esparza Ed.D., Pinakini Shankar M.D., Ivor Carr, Isaac Abulatan
University of Medicine and Health Sciences - St. Kitts, Oyster Adams Bilingual School Washington D.C.

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Pages: 457-465
Keywords: International Medical Graduates, Mentoring, Clinical Rotations
One-fourth of the medical doctors in the United States come from international medical schools; they are known as International Medical Graduates, IMGs. Future medical doctors need a guide and specific information which could come by way of a mentoring relationship in order to transition from the Basic Sciences to Clinical Rotations. Now, more than ever the conversations among medical doctors and incoming IMGs need to be happening in order to navigate the transition successfully. IMGs find mentors within their own ranks, from external sources and from medical doctors too.
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