Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 11 October 2019
Sonographic Correlation of Placenta Previa with Pregnancy Outcomes After 24 Weeks of Gestation
Tania Bashir, Raham Bacha, Syed Amir Gilani, Shehzadi Irum, Mehreen Fatima, S. Muhammad Yousaf Farooq, Babar Javaid, Shazia Kausar
Punjab Institute of Mental Health Hospital Lahore, Pakistan

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Pages: 422-428
Keywords: Ultrasound, Placenta Previa, Cesarean Delivery, Haemorrhage, Normal Vaginal Delivery
Placenta typically discoid in shape and echogenic (hyperechoic) structure visible on ultrasound. Placenta may be extend to the lateral wall of uterus but normally lies along the anterior and posterior wall of the uterus. The thickness of placenta is 2.0cm to 2.5cm and measuring diameter 22cm. In various times placenta abnormally located along the internal cervical os of uterus which may be partially or fully covered the os that’s called placenta previa. Prevalence of placenta previa occurs in approximately 5 per 1000 pregnancies. Prevalence of Placenta previa is rising as a result of increasing rates of LSCS (Lower segment cesarean section). Placenta previa leads many adverse outcomes during pregnancy for both fetus and maternal so it is require follow up scan at term. Objective: The main objective is to estimate the sonographic correlation of placenta previa with pregnancy outcomes after 24weeks of gestation. Methodology: A cross sectional analytical study conducted at Tertiary care Teaching Services Hospital Lahore. Maternal diagnosed with placenta previa after 24 weeks of gestation included and also only singleton pregnancies. Maternal observed with follow up scans throughout term and analyzed perinatal outcomes. GE Logiq S8 Ultrasound machine, with 3.5MHz convex probe used for the evaluation of patients. Results: Total 77 patients. We observed among maternal with high grade (type three and four) placenta previa are highly significant and associated with outcome cesarean deliveries. Then those minimum maternal with low grade (type one and two) placenta previa are not highly significant. Another result we find out those maternal who have previous history of Lower segment cesarean section associated with placenta previa.
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