Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 19 November 2019
Transpedicular Percutaneous Vertebral Biopsy: About Six Cases
Nabil Raouzi, Mejdoubi Anasse, Khoulali Mohammed, Oulali Noureddine, Moufid Fayçal
University Hospital Center of Oujda, Mohammed Premier University, Morocco

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Pages: 479-482
Keywords: Vertebral Biopsy, Spinal Lesion, Transpedicular Percutaneous Biopsy
The vertebral biopsy is the method of choice to confirm the diagnosis of localized infectious and tumoral lesions of the spine. It can be performed percutaneously or in the open. The percutaneous route has largely supplanted surgical biopsy with a minimally invasive spinal approach and diagnostic efficiency. The transpedicular biopsy is the most classic. We report our experience through a series of six cases of transpedicular vertebral biopsy collected during a two-year period in the neurosurgery department at Mohamed VI University Hospital in Oujda Morocco.
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