Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 18 October 2022
Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Psychology
Seema Irshad, Shabana Azmi, Nurjahan Begum
King Faisal University, Sindho-Kanho-Birsha University

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Pages: 21-30
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Mental Health, Expert Systems, Virtual Reality
Machine learning has a new landscape for humanity in the area of artificial intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence (AI) approaches have recently been developed to support mental health professionals, primarily psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinicians, with decision-making based on patients' historical data (e.g., clinical history, behavioral data, social media use, etc.). This article reviews developments in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and their current and potential applications in clinical psychological practice. Issues associated with AI in the context of clinical practice, the potential risk for job loss among mental health professionals, and other ramifications associated with the advancement of AI technology are discussed. The advancement of AI technologies and their application in psychological practice have important implications that can be expected to transform the mental health care field. Psychologists and other mental health care professionals have an essential part to play in the development, evaluation, and ethical use of AI technologies.
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