Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258

Published: 30 June 2019
Weight Changes and Cognitive Functions in Patients with Stroke: Case Report
Walaa M. Ragab
Cairo University, Taibah University

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Pages: 230-236
Keywords: Stroke, Cognition, Attention, Memory, BMI, Rehacom, MOCA
Objective of the study: Cognition is an important factor for determining the rate of recovery of stoke so finding the factors that might affect cognition is important to improve it and so to improve recovery rate in patients with stroke. Methodology: Fifteen chronic stroke male patients were recruited to this study. The patients age ranged from55 to 65. All patients were assessed for body mass index (BMI) and also for cognitive functions by Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) scale and rehacom. Results: the study found a Negative strong correlation between MOCA and BMI (R= -.95),Negative moderate correlation between BMI and Attention( R=-.66) ,Weak negative correlation between BMI and memory ( R=-.38),Weak positive correlation between MOCA and memory (R=.38),Moderate positive correlation between MOCA and attention (R=.61) and Strong positive correlation between memory and solutions (R=.77).Conclusion: There is a negative correlation between BMI and cognition, so it should consider body weight management in the rehabilitation of stroke patients to improve cognitive functions.
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