Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 04 September 2018
An Analysis on Social Ecological Changes and Development Paths after Macao Sovereignty Returned to China
Li Meng, Yang Liao
South China Agricultural University, China

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This paper analyzes the social and ecological changes of Macao's sovereignty before and after China's return from the aspects of population and land, economic structure and social structure. The authors believe that the tension between population and land is a fundamental issue in Macao's social ecology. After the return of Macao sovereignty to China, Macao residents increased rapidly, and land use growth was slow. The economic structure of Macao is relatively simple. Although Macao is trying to explore industrial diversification, the economic structure of its gaming industry is hard to change. After the return of sovereignty, the changes in the educational structure and employment structure of Macao reflect the social stratification and niche of different families and groups in Macao. In the past about 20 years since the return of Macao sovereignty to China, there have been some changes in human-land relations and urban space, industrial adjustment and economic structure, cultural education, and labor employment. These changes have had a profound impact on the future social development of Macao. Due to the scarcity of land resources and the urgent need for low-rent housing, the issue of rational development and utilization of Macao's land has become the focus of the Macao people. Before the moderate diversification of the economy and the diversification of local employment, Macao's long-term stability and prosperity have developed a long way. The natural ecology of human-land relations, the economic ecology of gambling and related services, and the multi-ecological interweaving of the social and cultural ecology of education and employment bias have added new features to Macao's public administration and social governance. In the future development of Macao, it is necessary to take effective measures in the areas of politics, economy, population, and education on the basis of changes in the international and domestic environment to promote social stability and prosperity in Macao.
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