Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 25 December 2023
Evaluation of M-Paspor Application in Indonesia: M-Government Concept Perspective
Intan Nurkumalawati, Nusyura Divana Salsha
Immigration Polytechnic, Indonesia

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Pages: 241-250
Keywords: M-Government, Mobile Government, M-Paspor
The government utilizes technology to provide internet-based public services, making it easier for the community to access them. One such technology is M-Government, which offers smartphone applications. Immigration Offices in Indonesia have implemented M-Government with the APAPO application. However, there are still several obstacles in its implementation. Applicants experienced difficulties in obtaining a queue number due to the registration quota. Additionally, rescheduling is not possible for those who are unable to attend the office. The Immigration Office conducts biometric records and interviews. To address this issue, the Directorate General of Immigration has introduced a new innovation called Mobile Passport (M-Paspor). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the M-Paspor application based on the M-Government concepts. Qualitative methods were used, with data collected through interviews and observations. The study suggests that the M-Paspor application aligns with the M-Government concept, allowing the public to independently apply for a passport using their smartphone at any time and place. The aim of the M-Paspor application is to simplify the passport application process for the public.
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