Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 20 May 2023
Implementation of the Total People’s War Strategy to Suppress Papua Separatist Movement
Ervan Christawan, Anak Agung Banyu Perwita, I Wayan Midhio, Afrizal Hendra, Helda Risman
Republic of Indonesia Defense University

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Pages: 98-124
Keywords: Counterinsurgency, PSM, Integration, Prosperity, Security
The enduring effectiveness of the "divide and conquer" political strategy employed by foreign powers remains evident in contemporary times, demonstrating ongoing challenges in achieving unity within Indonesia's diverse population under the framework of NKRI. The Papua Separatist Movement (PSM) seeks international support for an alternative referendum to the 1969 Pepera, aiming to achieve independence from Indonesia through political, covert, and armed means, despite the government's closure of referendum options. This qualitative research, based on a comprehensive literature review, aims to explore efforts to address and improve key issues exploited by the PSM's political front, including economic inequality, education disparities, healthcare gaps, infrastructure limitations, and security challenges. Additionally, the study will examine initiatives aimed at curbing the activities of the PSM's armed front, which has been implicated in numerous human rights violations against indigenous Papuans, civilians, foreigners, security personnel, and the military. President Jokowi has emphasized the need for a comprehensive solution to this issue, underscoring the importance of addressing root causes while maintaining the government's soft power approach, which focuses on normative and functional integration. Furthermore, the Indonesian government actively engages in diplomatic interactions with other nations, organizations, and international communities, with the ultimate objective of resolving the conflict through the harmonious integration of Papua into Indonesia's vision of a secure and prosperous nation.
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