Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)
Published: 29 January 2020
Public Perceptions of the City Landmark of Gianyar – Case Study: Landmarks of Ciung Wanara City Park in Gianyar
Gusti Ngurah Anom Gunawan, Agung Budi Sarjono, Suzanna Ratih Sari
University of Diponegoro, Indonesia
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Pages: 39-50
Keywords: City of Gianyar Landmark, Ciung Wanara City Park, City of Art and Culture
The City of Gianyar's Landmark is Ciung Wanara City Park, which is an active park located at the intersection of Ciung Wanara Street, Ngurah Rai Street, Dharma Giri By Pass Road and Kebo Iwa Street. Landmark takes the form of a Puppet Figure Statue in the form of a Kala Rau Statue, the most prominent Garuda Wisnu Statue supported by the presence of Indra on a Horse, the Dewi Ratih Statue strung together with one another as part of the storytelling that is story of Mount Giri Mandara in finding Tirta Amertha. Kala Rau and Garuda Wisnu which have a height of 12 meters can be observed from the four corners of the road. As for the purpose of the Government of the Gianyar Regency to build the Kala Rau Statue, Garuda Wisnu is used as a landmark for the City of Gianyar, and is able to support the existence of Ciung Wanara City Park in Gianyar, to be able to attract the interest of visitors to visit Ciung Wanara City Park as well as being able to support the face of a city that has the title of city of arts and culture. This study uses a qualitative rationalistic method. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the statues in Ciung Wanara City Park have functioned as a landmark of the City of Gianyar and are able to support the City of Gianyar as a City of Arts and Culture.
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