Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

14 March 2018
The Predictors of Body Image Dissatisfaction among Undergraduate Students at the United States International University-Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
Evelyne Kerubo Arasa, Josephine Nyaboke Arasa, Munyae M. Mulinge
United States International University-Africa, Kenya

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Utilizing a sample of 114 undergraduate students studying at the United States International University-Africa, this study analyzed the factors that impacted on body image dissatisfaction among young adults in Kenya. A quantitative design was utilized for the study. Data were collected through a self-administered structured questionnaire and analyzed utilizing the SPSS software version 24 with beta (β ) coefficients as the main test statistic. The results showed that those studied had low levels of both body image consciousness and dissatisfaction and that, overall, they were free from the negative consequences of body image dissatisfaction. Regression analysis revealed that further showed that only 4 of 8 individual factors, none of the socio-cultural factors and only 1 of 4 control variables evaluated were significant predictors of body image dissatisfaction. The regression model explained 72.1 percent of the variance in body image dissatisfaction. It was concluded that, among others, the factors that have been utilized as predictors of body image dissatisfaction in Western countries also apply to the Kenyan situation.
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