Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 10 June 2022
The Role of Informal and Formal Mechanisms in Transitional Justice Related to the 1965-1966 Incident in Indonesia: The Case of Palu
Agus Supratikno
Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia

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Pages: 135-147
Keywords: Transitional Justice, Restorative Justice, Informal Mechanism of SKP-HAM, Formal Mechanism of Palu Regional Government, The 1965-1966 Victims
This article discusses the role of the informal mechanism introduced by the solidarity for victims of human rights violations of Central Sulawesi and the formal mechanism of the Palu Regional Government, which succeeded in realising restorative justice related to the 1965-1966 incident in Palu through truth-seeking, grassroots reconciliation, apology, and victims' reparations. How did this local initiative succeed amid the stagnation of the national initiative? This research applied a qualitative method. This study found the critical elements of the local initiatives' success in Palu: First, the use of the informal and formal transitional justice mechanisms. Although informal mechanisms could play a significant role in actualising restorative justice in Palu, the role of formal mechanisms remained irreplaceable because particular aspects could not be done through informal mechanisms, such as victim reparations. Collaborating between the two mechanisms made the local initiatives more effective and broader impact. Another essential element behind the realisation of restorative justice in Palu is the role of political actors, namely Rusdy Mastura, Palu' mayor (2010-2015) and Nurlaela Lamasitudju (General Secretary of SKP-HAM). The strong political will of the Palu Mayor was depicted through an apology and reparations program for the 1965-1966 victims, and the lobbies that have been carried out by the general secretary of SKP-HAM have an essential role in realising restorative justice related to the 1965-1966 incident in Palu.
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