Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
“Competence Areas” as a New Notion Instead of Teacher Competencies
Bilge Bağci Ayranci, Ahmet Başkan
Aydın Adnan Menderes University (Turkey), Hitit University (Turkey)

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Pages: 1-14
Keywords: Competence Areas, Teacher Competence, Curriculum, Turkish Lesson
The concept of "teacher competence" has been used as a defining concept in explaining the competence levels of teachers in different fields since the early 2000s. However, with the publication of the 2019 Turkish course curriculum, it was seen that this concept was not included in the program, but instead "competence areas" were explained in detail. In this context, the study aimed to evaluate the 2019 Turkish Lesson Curriculum in terms of teacher competencies. Before the publication of the curriculum 2019, primary teaching competencies in the literature were investigated and listed, and the Turkish lesson curriculum was then evaluated considering those teacher competencies. In the 2019 Turkish Lesson Curriculum, unlike other programs, the scope and content of competency areas were defined in detail. Thus, the analysis of competency areas by teacher competence contributes to the literature. In the literature, teacher competencies were associated with various skills such as "digital competence," "learning to learn," "social and civic competencies" and "the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship." The 2019 Turkish Lesson Curriculum was assessed considering those skills. Accordingly, in the Turkish Lesson Curriculum 2019, the most critical competence area is the "digital competence" dimension. We can see the reflections of digital competence in the definition of skills and educational text types. The precondition for fostering digital competence in students is that teachers have digital competence. Thus, it is suggested to redefine and determine teaching competencies, knowledge, and skills related to "digital competence.”
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