Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 06 April 2020
Assessment of Educational Management Research Performance of Universities in North-Eastern Nigeria
Kabiru Mohammed Badau
Modibbo Adama University of Technology Yola, Nigeria

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Pages: 111-121
Keywords: Assessment, Educational Management, Research Performance, Universities, North Eastern Nigeria
Nigerian universities have the capacities to perform in terms of educational management research quality and impact to promote research excellence. This will market the institutions in order to attract funding and make them more flexible, cost efficient and responsive to the need of the society. More so, the allocation of research funds to universities now depends wholly or partly on the results of assessment performance of the previous researches in educational management. This paper assessed institutional, national, external research incomes, publications and training in educational management research performance of universities in North Eastern Nigeria. The study combined a strong document analysis of the previous researches and interviews of staff in Research and Development units or centres of all universities providing research funding for educational management research in North Eastern Nigeria. Percentage was utilized for data analysis. The findings of the research show that Universities performed lowly in terms of institutional, national, external income, publications and training performance in universities of North Eastern Nigeria. The study also concluded that universities research performance in educational management is low in North Eastern Nigeria. The study further recommended among others that researchers training in educational management should be promoted through Masters and Ph. D programmes in the universities of North Eastern Nigeria.
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