Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 29 September 2018
E-Books to Enhance College Learners’ English Self-Efficacy
Pei-Ling Yang
Oriental Institute of Technology, Taiwan

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The present study is to explore the effect of E-book reading activities for general purposes on EFL learners’ English self-efficacy and language learning perceptions. Self-efficacy, claimed by a large number of researchers, has a direct and powerful influence on learners’ academic accomplishments; English picture book reading, moreover, is suggested to be beneficial to language learners. However, there is little research on enhancing the level of English self-efficacy through reading English picture books, particularly in digital forms. The participants, in the study, 101 non-English-majored college students in Taiwan, were required to read E-books and upload their after-reading feedbacks to the Google Drive for the purpose of sharing them with other peers. The findings of the study reveal that the participants’ general perceived English abilities and confidence were enhanced after their efforts on E-book reading activities. Furthermore, from the pieces of after-study learners’ perceptions, they presented positive attitudes towards English learning.
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