Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
Effects of Drama Method on the Decision-Making Skills of Primary School Students
Mehmet Ali Seven
Atatürk University, Turkey

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Pages: 47-57
Keywords: Drama Activities, Decision Making, Skills
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of courses that integrate drama method in primary schools on the decision-making skills of students. In line with this purpose in present study pretest-posttest control grouped experimental research pattern has been employed. The study was conducted in Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Primary School located within Ergani district in the city of Diyarbakır. Population of the research consisted of classes 4/C (control group) and 4/D (experimental group) in the particular school. Experimental group received drama activities for a period of 8 weeks whilst control group received no drama activities. To the end of measuring students’ decision-making skills, “Decision-making Skills Assessment Scale (DMSAS)” developed by Karakaş (1999) was employed. For the aim of analyzing the difference between pretest scores of the groups, dependent groups t-test and lastly in order to detect the difference between posttest scores of groups “Covariance Analysis” was implemented. At the end of conducted study, no significant difference could be identified between scores of experimental and control groups. It has thus been concluded that implemented drama activities triggered no statistically significant difference in the decision-making skills of the participants.
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