Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 12 August 2020
Impact of Quality Assurance on Quality Teaching among Teachers in Oman Higher Education
Wafa A-Maawali, Munira Al-Siyabi
Rustaq College of Education, Oman

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Pages: 334-350
Keywords: Quality Measures, Teaching Quality, Evaluation of Teaching, Professional Development, Student Evaluation Forms, Peer Evaluation
The study aims to investigate the internally driven factors that should contribute to quality in the teaching process in order to inform the current measures of teacher performance in higher education. Previous studies reported ambivalent views and reactions towards measures of quality which raised the presumption that quality processes were not teacher-driven but imposing. Hence, a sequential mixed study research was employed that included both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection. The methods are seven interviews with academic faculty from higher education and a questionnaire which was distributed to 154. The findings of this study indicate an average level of teachers’ perceptions towards practices of quality assurance and their impact on quality teaching. This study recommends empowering teachers to take active part in quality teaching protocol and a model of internally driven factors is recommended.
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