Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 21 December 2019
In Support of Home-Grown Teachers: An Examination of Factors that Supported the Success of Pre-Service Teachers in a Bilingual Education Program from 2012-2017
Edith Esparza, Matilde Sarmiento, Vivien Geneser, Shelley Harris
University of Medicine and Health Sciences St. Kitts, Oyster Adams Bilingual School, Texas A&M-San Antonio, Texas A&M University Central Texas

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Pages: 811-821
Keywords: Bilingual, Dual, Pre-Service, Teachers
In this research, a university professor examined the university path and ultimate career trajectory of eleven Bilingual Education pre-service teachers in a South Texas university, which serves an underrepresented population. The study followed the set of the eleven participants who began their academic journey to become Bilingual certified teachers, earned their degrees, and then pursued professional careers in the same geographic area. The results of this five-year study revealed the barriers Bilingual Education pre-service teachers face and showed that their commitment to remain in the profession supports the movement towards home-grown teachers.
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