Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 14 May 2022
Investigation of Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Psychological Well-Being Levels of Individuals who Regularly Play Tennis
Metin Yüceant
Aksaray University, Turkey

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Pages: 270-281
Keywords: Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Psychological Well-Being
This research was carried out to examine the stress, anxiety, depression and psychological well-being levels of individuals who regularly play tennis. The research group consisted of 450 individuals. In the study, “Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale,” “Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory” and “Psychological Well-Being Scale” were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the data the normality test of the data was carried out by applying the Kolmogorov-Smirnov technique and the Skewness-Kurtosis coefficients. T-test was used to determine whether the stress, anxiety, depression and psychological well-being levels of individuals differ in terms of gender variable. One-way analysis of variance (Anova) technique was used to determine whether they differed in terms of tennis playing time. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis technique was used to examine the relationship between stress, anxiety, depression and psychological well-being. In addition, multiple regression analysis was applied to test how stress is a predictor of anxiety, depression and psychological well-being. According to the results obtained in the study, while there was no significant difference in the levels of stress, anxiety, depression and psychological well-being in terms of the gender variable (p>0.05), there was a significant difference in terms of the duration of playing tennis (p<0.05). While a positive and significant relationship was observed between stress, anxiety and depression, it was observed that there was a negative significant relationship between psychological well-being and stress, anxiety and depression. It has also been found that stress is a strong predictor of anxiety, depression and psychological well-being.
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