Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 26 March 2021
On the Teaching Reform of Translation Course Based on the Cultivation of Applied Talents
Huijia Shen
Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics Dongfang College

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Pages: 214-220
Keywords: Translation Course, Teaching Reform, Teaching Mode, High-Quality Applied Talents, Application-Oriented Colleges and Universities
This article, taking the translation courses for English majors in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics Dongfang College as an example, starts from the current teaching problems of translation courses in application-oriented colleges and universities. In order to clarify the teaching system, highlight the local characteristics, and find a way to adapt to the teaching objective of high-quality applied talents, this article establishes the teaching idea of “solid foundation, application-oriented and strong ability” and discusses the teaching reform of translation course by optimizing the teaching syllabus, teaching content, teaching mode, teaching method and evaluation system. The innovation of translation teaching reform mainly lies in the consistency, integration and effectiveness of the “Four-in-One” teaching mode which taking practical ability as the core, integrate the teaching objective, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching evaluation as a whole, so as to solve the existing problems of the translation course and follow the changes of social and economic development.
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