Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 03 September 2020
Statistics as Measurement: 4 Scales/Levels of Measurement
Patricia E. Allanson, Charles E. Notar
Liberty University, Jacksonville State University

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Pages: 375-385
Keywords: Statistics, Measurement, Levels of Measurement
This article discusses the basics of the “4 scales of measurement” and how they are applicable to research or everyday tools of life. To do this you will be able to list and describe the four types of scales of measurement used in quantitative research; provide examples of uses of the four scales of measurement; and determine the appropriate measurement scale for a research problem. The article is designed to present an overview of statistical methods in order to better understand research results. Formulas and mathematical computations will not be presented, as the goal for this article is to merely provide a basic understanding of statistical measurement.
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