Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 26 July 2021
The Concept of Social Justice from the Perspective of University Students
Nesip Demirbilek, Fulya Atila, Celalettin Korkmaz
Bingöl University (Turkey), Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Hatay Mustafa Kemal University (Turkey)

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Pages: 89-99
Keywords: Social Justice, Equal Opportunity, Covid-19, Nepotism, University, Students
The aim of this study is to reveal how university students conceptualize their perceptions of social justice. 393 university students were included as the sample of the research. An interview form was sent to the students online. The content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data. As results, it was stated that every student is equal, opportunities are provided equally, there is no discrimination, social activities are equally benefited, every student is given the same rights, interests and needs are cared for, and every student is treated fairly. They expressed as the most unjust incidents are "necessity of distance education due to the Covid-19 pandemic," "getting unworthy points," "discrimination," "lack of justice in scoring," "unfair scholarship distribution" and "no course exemption." In addition, since it is not in the literature, a scale can be developed regarding the social justice perception levels of students studying in higher education.
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