Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 February 2023
The Investigation of the Pre-service Social Studies Teachers Perceptions of Self-Efficacy on the Digital Literacy Skills
Sercan Kocaer, Mehmet Aydın
Ministry of National Education (Turkey), Ondokuz Mayıs University (Turkey)

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Pages: 361-375
Keywords: Digital literacy, Technology, Social Studies, Self-efficacy
The rapid changes in information and communication technologies have an impact on all areas of human life. Especially in this process of digital transformation, it is important for people to have the skills of accessing, analyzing and evaluating information. Digital literacy, which we can mention as a essential skill to be able to adapt to digital life, is now required in human life. Undoubtedly, individuals can gain digital literacy skills through education. At this point, the social studies course, which directly contributes to the socialization of individuals and is an effective course in creating the citizen profile of the society, is also affective in offering the digital literacy skills. This study aimed to investigate the digital literacy self-efficacy skills of the pre-service social studies teachers.
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