Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 October 2022
The Perspective of the Mathematics Teacher Educator on the Design of Mathematics Teaching Method Courses for Elementary Teacher Candidates
The University of Gaziantep, Turkey

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Pages: 64-78
Keywords: Mathematics Teacher Educator, Teacher Education, Mathematics Methods Course, Course Design
This study examines the perspective of a mathematics teacher educator (MTE) regarding the design and structuring of mathematics teaching method course in the elementary teaching education program. The research was designed as a single case study. The case was a teacher educator who has been delivering mathematics methods course for elementary teacher candidates for 10 years. The data were collected through an in-depth interview on items placed in a questionnaire. The thematic analysis method was used for data analysis. The focus of our analysis is on MTE's perspective as a course designer and practitioner for the mathematics teaching method course. Our findings show that this course has a nature in design and structuring and that the teacher trainer builds on these four arguments, namely value judgments, resources, big ideas, and professed practices while supporting the mathematics teaching development of prospective elementary teachers. Based on the findings, we discuss the interactions among these four arguments. In addition, it is examined whether there is a perspective in the design and structuring of the mathematics teaching course among teacher educators who deliver this course.
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