Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 30 January 2023
A Conceptual Model of the Role of Perception of Celebrity Endorsement in Consumer Purchase Intention of MS Glow Beauty Products
Nirvanni Reswari Adi Putri, Budi Haryanto
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

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Pages: 65-75
Keywords: Perception of Celebrity Endorser, Attitude Towards Ads, Attitude Towards Brand, Purchase Intention
This article aims to explain the influence of perception of celebrity endorser on purchase intention which is mediated by attitude towards ads and attitude towards brand. This study was moderated by the type of endorser tested in two groups, handsome vs. not handsome endorser types. Literature reviews made by several international journals with high reputation including research from Schouten et al. (2020) and Ha & Lam (2017). This article is to identify the variables used to build a conceptual model. The expected finding is that there is a positive relationship between perception of celebrity endorser, attitude towards ads and attitude towards brand on purchase intention which is moderated by type of endorser. This study also explains the dimensions of trustworthiness, expertise, and similarity that produce the perception of celebrity endorsers. Researchers hope this research can help marketers to design effective marketing strategies to influence potential consumers. This paper is also expected to contribute theoretically, practically and possibly can be used for future studies.
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