Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 March 2018
A Review of Fintech Regulations in China, Singapore, and Hong Kong
Chee Yuen Yew, Ameen Talib
Coventry University (Singapore), Singapore University of Social Science (Singapore)

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The world has transformed from traditional business model into digitalised business model, financial services as well. As financial sector is strictly regulated by worldwide regulator in the past, there’s the dilemma on the regulation in the combination of Financial Technology (“Fintech”). This paper has selected three samples of emerging countries in Asia to examine the current regulations development. In the end of the paper, there is a comparison of regulatory framework between the samples of countries in order to have more understanding on how the regulator had been working on the Fintech industry to overcome the uncertainty.
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