Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 03 September 2021
A Study of Chinese Consumers towards Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability
Fung Yi Tam, Jane W. Y. Lung, Juliana da Silva, Mei Ha Lam, Pek I Ng, Ka Man Lok
Macao Polytechnic Institute

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Pages: 144-151
Keywords: LOHAS, Consumer Decision Making Styles, Sustainability, Sustainable Lifestyle, Demographic Characteristics
This research explores how Chinese consumers adopted a lifestyle of health and sustainability (LOHAS). To investigate this, a questionnaire survey was conducted examining the impact of LOHAS on consumer decision making styles in Macau SAR, China. After completion, a total of 619 usable questionnaires were collected. The results showed that the two most significant criteria for LOHAS among the Chinese consumers were environmental consciousness and a desire for health and fitness. In turn, the most preferable consumer decision making styles were price consciousness and perfectionism. Moreover, consumer who is environmental consciousness tends to be more quality and price conscious. Consumer who cares about health and fitness tends to look for quality and novelty products. The results also show that Chinese consumers who are the females, older in age or have a higher income tend to be more LOHAS. Therefore, if companies want to expand their business in the LOHAS market in China, they should target these segments when they are developing their marketing strategies.
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