Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 22 September 2022
Bibliometric Analysis of Turnover Intention Using VOSviewer
Naila Ufiidatul Uzkiyyah, Ika Nurul Qamari, Meika Kurnia Puji Rahayu
University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Pages: 239-248
Keywords: Self Efficacy, Turnover Intention, Work Behavior
This study aims to determine the development map of "Turnover Intention" from 2008 - 2022. This study is based on a literature study of various scientific journals conducted by searching the Scopus database, using the keyword "Turnover Intention." To get a map of research developments, the data obtained is exported in RIS format. The exported data are then processed and analyzed using the VOS Viewer to find out the bibliometric map of “Turnover Intention.” The data used in the study were 302 documents. The results of the analysis show that the trend of turnover intention is highest in 2021. The institution that contributes the most research on turnover intention is Eastern Mediterranean University. Most of the research on turnover intention is published in Frontiers in Psychology. The author who most consistently writes about turnover intention is Karatepe, OM, who contributes 8 themes to the same research publication.
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