Economics and Business
Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2775-9237 (Online)

Published: 08 July 2023
Overview of Sustainable Development and Promotion in Tourism
Christos Amoiradis, Efstathios Velissariou, Thomas Poulios
University of Thessaly

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Pages: 14-26
Keywords: Sustainable Development in Tourism, Sustainable Tourism Promotion
The concept of sustainable tourism has evolved over the years, emphasizing the need to balance the requirements of tourism with the responsible use of resources. This paper provides an overview of sustainable development in tourism, focusing on its importance and the impacts it has on the environment, society, and the economy. The article explores the environmental, social, and economic needs that drive sustainable development in tourism. It discusses various dimensions of sustainable development, including global governance, infrastructure management, biodiversity management, supply chain management, waste management, natural resource management, and socio-cultural management. The article also highlights the promotion of sustainable development in different sectors of tourism, such as destination management, tour operators, accommodation, transport, and visitor attractions. Finally, it presents frameworks for promoting sustainable development, including encouraging sustainable consumer behavior and implementing sustainable tourism certifications. Overall, the paper emphasizes the significance of sustainable development in tourism and provides insights into its various aspects and implementation strategies.
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