Journal of Health and Medical Sciences
ISSN 2622-7258
Published: 27 August 2021
Early Post-Acute Myocardial Infarction: Psychosocial and Financial Concerns
Mandreker Bahall
Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, University of the West Indies
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Pages: 37-46
Keywords: Depression, Post-AMI, Post AMI Feelings, Psychosocial Factors
Purpose: Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is a major cardiovascular event that has significant psycho-social-physical and lifestyle consequences. This study assessed the feelings of patients within days following an AMI in a public health institute in Trinidad and Tobago. Results: Of the 150 AMI patients, 134 (89.3%), were included in the study. Sixteen (10.7%) patients were not included due to inadequate information. Among the post-AMI patients, common negative feelings experienced include fear of another heart attack (n = 74, 55.2%), fear of death (n = 40, 29.9%), and fear of the future (n = 29, 21.6%). However, the positive thoughts of the AMI patients predominated: intentions to improve eating habits (n = 97, 73.5%), and increased spirituality (n = 82, 62.1%). Changes in feelings from pre to post AMI were most pronounced for positive feelings such as improved eating habits, regular exercise, and improved goals. In general, among the post-AMI patients, there were no significant associations between age and sex. However, significant associations were found between selected lifestyles variables (exercise, alcohol, eating habits, employment status, hypertension, and obesity) and psychological issues such as fear of another heart attack, improved relationships, or turning to God. Conclusions: Post-AMI patients experienced major psychosocial issues in the early post-AMI period. Though negative feelings were common, most of the patients resolved to make positive lifestyle changes.
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