Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)
Published: 28 December 2021
Participation in Voting Parties Based on Gender and Ages
Agus Aribowo, Anny Nurbasari, Bram Hadianto
Maranatha Christian University, Indonesia
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Pages: 155-160
Keywords: Ages, Gender, General Election, Participation in the Vote
In a democracy, a general election is a platform for citizens to use their political rights. However, not all citizens use it well, leading to an imperfect voting participation level. This situation motivates this study to exist. With this intention, this paper examines and analyzes the participation to vote decision in the party general election in 2019 based on gender and ages. Backing up this goal, we use the people in three regencies in West Java: Subang, Majalengka, and Sumedang, as the population. Because of these areas, we utilize multistage random sampling to take 600 people as the samples. As the statistical checking, we use the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis to test the hypotheses based on the categorical responses. After investigating the answers through the statistical test and discussing their outputs, we deduce that the participation of females is lower than that of males, demonstrating the gender gap. Also, the younger the participants, the higher involvement to vote.
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