Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 29 August 2018
Playing Cards of Myanmar with the Giants
Si Si Engyin
Shandong University, China

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Myanmar’s strategic location and abundant natural resources always make Myanmar as the core interests of some powerful countries. Since independence, because of historical experiences and national location, Myanmar has always used the neutral and non- aligned foreign policy and followed the five principles of peaceful coexistence. After the world economic crisis in 2008, the importance of Myanmar's strategic position is more obvious. At that time, because of China's influence, Myanmar tried to carry out the political transformation. During this transition period, Myanmar needs support and encouragement from far and near friends. From 2011, western countries and Japan began to contact with Myanmar and helped the democratic transition. Although there is no country challenges Myanmar's sovereignty, the giants have great effects on Myanmar domestic issues, e.g., national reconciliation and terrorist conflicts. So, Myanmar needs to balance national interests and giant powers. Although small countries constitute as a majority of the world, the foreign policy of small states has never been a concern of mainstream of international relations theory. Therefore, this article will describe along with the shift of the world power center, the relationship between Myanmar and China, India, Japan, the United States and the European Union, and then pointing out which policy can find Myanmar’s own balance among the giants?
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