Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 18 December 2023
The Characteristics of the use of Eslimi and Rotating Motifs in the Tiling of the Mausoleum of Khwaja Abdullah Ansari Located in Herat Gazargah
Ahmad Shoaib Saljoqi, Mohammad Towfiq Rahmani
Herat University

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Pages: 202-214
Keywords: Eslimi Motifs, Rotating Motifs, Islamic Art, Tiling, Pattern , Structure, Composition
Eslimi and rotating motifs have long been used in the historical monuments of Herat, the tiling industry and the use of Eslimi and rotating motifs in ancient times have always painted the historical and religious monuments of Herat, but its values and characteristics are not introduced for society, artist Students and artisans. The objectives of this research are to evaluate and introduce the latent characteristics Eslimi and Rotating motifs use of in the tiling of the mausoleum of Khajeh Abdullah Ansari in Herat, to develop public awareness of the values of these motifs and apply the results of the present study in the field of art as a lesson for students. This research has been done by library, field, observational and qualitative method. Visual research method is used in this article and the first hand data, which are the patterns on the tiles, have been analayzed and interpreted by the authors of the article in visual research. The results of the research show that: The Eslimi element has been used in most of the motifs of the mausoleum of Khajeh Abdullah Ansari, repetition (symmetry) as an action that ends in boredom is not mentioned in the motifs used in the mausoleum of Khajeh Ansari, Eslimi movement (Snail) is a symbolic movement of ascension that leads man to perfection, diversity, variety, types of structures, different compositions and multiplicity of elements are the prominent features of the motifs of the mausoleum of Khajeh Abdullah Ansari, the existence of simplicity in some of the motifs of the mausoleum mansion of Khajeh Abdullah Ansari shows the strong understanding of the artist of the pattern of aesthetics, the combination of objectivity and mentality in the engravings of the mansion of Khajeh Abdullah Ansari is clearly evident.
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