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Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute
Asian Institute of Research, Journal Publication, Journal Academics, Education Journal, Asian Institute

Journal of Social and Political


ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)

ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
asia insitute of research, journal of social and political sciences, jsp, aior, journal publication, humanities journal, social journa
open access

Published: 08 August 2019

Visual Content by Consumer in Promoting Sustainable Culinary Business

Made Vairagya Yogantari, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra

Sekolah Tinggi Desain Bali, Udayana University

journal of social and political sciences
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Pages: 610-615

Keywords: Visual Content, Promotional Media, Culinary Sector


The creative economy that has begun to get special attention by the Indonesian government opens opportunities for the culinary sector to continue to grow by providing creative added value. Utilizing technological advancements and analyzing consumer's psychographics can help culinary business in promoting their products to the public. Today's consumers have a tendency to share photos they take in a culinary business location on social media. Visual content in the form of photos can be used by culinary business owners for sustainable promotion where content will continue to be provided by consumers. Using descriptive exploratory methods by taking several objects as a case study aims to determine the criteria that trigger consumers to make sustainable digital content for a culinary endeavor.


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