Journal of Social and Political
ISSN 2615-3718 (Online)
ISSN 2621-5675 (Print)

Published: 19 July 2018
Work and Ethics
Fordson Vincent Chimoga
Rusangu University, Zambia

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This article on work and ethics deals with the fundamental reasons why God introduced work and ethics to Adam and Eve, at the onset of creating his first human beings. Work was the first responsibility given to them and later on ethics. Work was given so that they could discover and use the abilities the Lord had endowed to them, while ethics was to enable them to use responsibly the talents he had given them. Unfortunately, work is viewed by many as a curse. They think that work came as a result of sin. But this type of thinking and belief is just a fallacy. The truth of the matter is that work was given to human beings before sin entered the world. Work was essential to human existence before and after sin. Those who view it differently are under deception and most likely are drowning into the mad of poverty. Ethics, on the other hand, entails that human beings are different from other creatures God created. God did not create animals with moral consciousness. Human beings were the ones created with the power of choice and moral consciousness. They know when they do wrong, and they know when they do right. In terms of work they know when they are cheating at work, and they know when they are not. God wants every human being to work and use their time wisely so that they can experience meaning and quality of life. Life without work is dull and boring, but one with work improves self-esteem. Ethics, on the other hand, helps the human being to avoid cheating in using the time given to them by God. Without ethics, they would be involved in unethical behaviors that would plunge them into poverty and eventually come up with practices that are detrimental to their lives. To be ethically sound enhances the quality of life and a long life lived well without inflicting unnecessary pain on it.
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