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A Qualitative Study on MBHTE-BARMM Supervisors’ Approaches to Achieving Work-Life Responsibilities

Asnaida T. Lampaco, Minerva-Saminah M. Naga, Wardah D. Guimba, Lotis B. Daguisonan

Mindanao State University, Philippines

This study explores the approaches employed by supervisors in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) in attaining work-life responsibilities. Employing a qualitative study design, it delves into the experiences of the research participants in their strive to balance their professional roles with personal life commitments. Data collection involved in-depth interviews, observation, and narrative analysis, involving a sample of twenty-five (25) supervisors from diverse divisions and programs in the BARMM. The findings of the study unveil several crucial dimensions of the participants’ experiences and strategies. It becomes apparent that they experienced multitasking hence, learned to prioritize tasks which is a testament to the dynamic and multifaceted nature of their roles. In terms of strategies, the study reveals that they predominantly rely on time management and advance planning to deal with the balancing of work and personal life. Moreover, personal, and professional factors that affect their approach to achieving work-life balance include personal problems, inability to balance time, and commitment to work. The research participants also face specific challenges such as resource shortages and overwhelming workloads. This study further highlights the participants’ expected support from schools and districts through communication and mutual understanding. Based on the findings of the study, a model was generated. This model reveals three dimensions of work-life responsibilities namely (1) personal and professional responsibilities, (2) internal support, and (3) external support.



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