Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 01 June 2021
A Comparative Evaluation of Undergraduate Programs of Arabic Translation and Interpreting Departments in Turkey
Ersin ÇİLEK, Halil İbrahim ŞANVERDİ, Abdulmuttalip IŞIDAN
Bartın University (Turkey), Süleyman Demirel University (Turkey), Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University (Turkey)

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Pages: 432-442
Keywords: Education planning, Program, Higher education, Translation and interpretation, Translation education, Arabic
It is seen that the importance and need for Arabic have been increasing in Turkey in recent years, and the variety and number of programs for the Arabic language in higher education institutions are also increasing. It is noteworthy that the Arabic Language and Literature and Arabic Language Teaching departments, which have a long history, and the Arabic Translation and Interpretation departments, have been increasing in the state and private universities in recent years. In this study, the undergraduate programs of the Arabic translation and interpretation departments in the first three universities, which currently accept students from state universities, were examined from various perspectives. In these universities, the number of courses of Arabic Translation and Interpretation departments, the courses and the intensity of the translation field according to the semesters were evaluated. As a result of the study, it draws attention that there are differences between the programs. The differences observed in the undergraduate programs of these departments, which were opened for the same purpose, suggest that a common program should be created between the departments. In this context, some suggestions have been made regarding the current status of Arabic translation and interpretation undergraduate programs at universities.
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