Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 11 December 2018
A Conceptual Framework in Developing an Alternative Listening Comprehension Test to Profile Learners’ Performance
Irma Ahmad, Mohamed Jafre Zainal Abidin
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Universiti Sains Malaysia

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This conceptual paper addresses the information in developing a comprehensive listening comprehension test to profile learners’ listening performance based on international standards. Listening is a fundamental skill in which students need to gain adequate proficiency for their successful in communication and academic achievement. Underpinned by tenets derived from three flagship models and approach- Socio-cognitive Framework for Developing Test of Listening by Weir, the Cognitive Processing Model by Geranpayeh and Taylor, and General Language Ability and Listening Ability Model by Rost - a framework is conceptualised. The conceptual framework clarifies the interplay of the four notions and their connections which will inform the main purpose of the study that is to develop a listening comprehension test to benchmark and profile the undergraduate students in Malaysia.
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