Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 15 December 2022
A General Evaluation on the Piano Works of the Soviet Composer Dmitry Kabalevsky for Children and the Sample of the Piano Album “Thirty Pieces for Kids Op.27”
Nilüfer Özer
Bursa Uludağ University, Turkey

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Pages: 98-107
Keywords: Piano Education, Piano Works for Children, Piano Repertoire, Kabalevsky
While it is aimed to form basic behaviors for students in piano education, it is important to develop piano playing skills in a way that will attract the attention of children, with materials suitable for the individual characteristics, age group, perception level, and level of the students. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a balanced and correct repertoire suitable for the level of the student. Choosing the appropriate repertoire is about a careful balancing of skills, physical competence, musical interest, pedagogical value, and the student's emotional maturity. There are many works written for this purpose in our country and the world. In this context, this study aims to examine the place of the piano album "30 pieces for children Op.27" in piano education by making a general evaluation on the piano works for children by Kabalevsky, who has made great contributions to piano education as a composer and educator. The research is a qualitative study and the relevant literature was examined through document analysis and Kabalevsky's piano albums for children, which are used in piano education, were reached. In addition, the composer's piano album “30 pieces for children Op.27” was examined and interpreted in terms of content and technical studies. As a result of the study, Kabalevsky's piano works for children in terms of gaining the behaviors that form the basis of piano education were evaluated and suggestions that could guide piano educators were tried to be developed. Furthermore, it is thought that these works will contribute to the use of piano education, to the introduction of the works, and to diversify the educational repertoire.
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