Education Quarterly Reviews
ISSN 2621-5799

Published: 30 April 2021
A Text Comprehension Activity Based on the Standards of Textuality for Turkish Courses
Nil Didem ÅžimÅŸek, Cemal Yildiz
Süleyman Demirel University (Turkey), Marmara University (Turkey)

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Pages: 432-448
Keywords: 6th Grade Students, Turkish Course, Reading Skill, The Standards Of Textuality, Text Comprehension Activities
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of text comprehension activities based on the standards of textuality on reading skill, reading comprehension, and reading habit. To reach necessary competence in skill areas in a proper process, the child needs to be provided with sufficient activities starting from early ages. It is evident that the students who fail to acquire reading skills are not motivated enough. To overcome this negativity, students should be guided with the right activities. In this respect, many studies suggest that the data contributed by text linguistics should be used especially in the selection of texts and activities related with the texts. In this way, the student will be able to understand the context, purpose, intention, situation, and cause-effect relationships much better. The standards of textuality are as important as strategies, methods, and techniques in the enhancement of reading comprehension skills. The texts that meet these standards are considered to be sufficient texts in terms of improving reading skill. In this study, an activity for 6th grade students has been developed for these purposes. The correspondence of the activity with the standards of textuality was evaluated by two field experts and two Turkish teachers. In the light of their opinions, the activity was given its final form. It is believed that this activity will contribute to the studies in the field and will be helpful for Turkish teachers.
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